International Security - Research and Data Analysis
Intern with an organization founded in 2008 to work as an independent policy research center in Prishtina, Kosovo. Dedicated to security sector development and reform in Kosovo and Western Balkans, they proactively promote principles of good governance, integrity and resilience. The organization builds and promotes alternative expertise in security studies, due to limited academic contribution in the field in Kosovo and aims to enhance the effectiveness by supporting the Security System Reform (SSR) programs through its research, events, training, advocacy and direct policy advice. The organization publishes numerous reports, policy analysis and policy briefs. It also runs more than 200 public events including conferences, round-tables, debates, and lectures – in Kosovo, also in collaboration with regional and international partners.
The Isla-Intern will provide support to one or more of the main following research programs:
1. Countering Violent Extremism: This program was founded in 2015 after the “Report into inquiring causes and consequences of Kosovo citizens involvement as foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq” was published. The program intends to analyze the Violent Extremism phenomena and Preventing Violent Extremism at a community level. This program is implemented in a local level in all municipalities of Kosovo, involving relevant actors such as municipal representatives, representatives of civil society, and representatives of security sector, Islamic Community of Kosovo and representatives of the media. In a central level, the organization has been involved in drafting the National Strategy against Violent Extremism, partaking in drafting policies on violent extremism, advocating through research, etc. One of the main purposes of the program is awareness raising of citizens on the risks of violent extremism. One of the main methods used by the organization, is through organizing lectures and discussions with high school students in Kosovo, involving representatives of the communities in its discussions, conferences and other activities.
2. Kosovo Security Barometer (KSB): This program aims to implement quantitative research methods, which is based exclusively on the unique methodology that applies. The purpose of KSB program is to first and foremost serve to all other sectoral programs of the organization in providing unique statistical findings. Under this program are various surveys research, such as: Regular Annual Edition of Kosovo Security Barometer; Special Editions of the Kosovo Security Barometer; Editions with Target Audience.
3. Integrity in the Security Sector: This program is also known as Monitoring and Assessing the Integrity in the Security Institutions in Kosovo, which aims to enhance professional integrity of the security sector in Kosovo. This program specifically targets the Kosovo Police (KP) and Kosovo Security Force (KSF), as well as the supervision and the external bodies which oversee the activities of these two institutions. There are six pillars of the internal good governance of the two aforementioned institutions that compose the foundations of the organization's Integrity Program: (1) human resources management; (2) transparency; (3) accountability; (4) financial management; (5) monitoring the inappropriate exercise of official position and corruption cases by members of KP and KSF; and (6) the potential politicization of the security institutions in Kosovo.
4. Gender and Security Sector: The organization aims to offer professional, expert level policy analysis on gender and security sector. Through this program, they actively advocate on equal gender representation and recruitment in the security services and institutions. The main objectives of this program are to increase and assure active participation of women in decision-making and peace-building processes; and introducing gender mainstreaming in the security sector. To help address these challenges, the organization provides research and recommendations for ways forward on the core issues of the women, peace and security agenda.
5. Regional Cooperation in the Security Sector: Through this program, the organization offers professional, expert level policy analysis to identify the main strategic partners in Kosovo’s foreign policy, to list the most laudable and relevant regional security initiatives from which Kosovo can benefit, advocate and push forward the processes in the policy making cycle. This program’s objective is to speed the reforms and to ensure Kosovo’s accession in regional and international security mechanisms.